Let’s run together and raise funds to support the fight against childhood cancer! Join the Fun(d) Run today!
At each SIOP congress there is a fun run. This year, however, it will be more special as there is a charity cause. All abilities are welcome so hurry up and help us make a difference in the lives of kids with cancer.
The Fun(d) run will also be added as an event on Strava.
Get ready to join your colleagues from all around the world by taking part in an exhilarating run or walk in Ottawa to raise funds for the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Oncology Program through the CHEO Foundation https://cheofoundation.com/
Dedicated to the best life for every child and youth, CHEO is a global leader in paediatric health care and research. The CHEO Foundation is responsible for developing, accepting, distributing, and recognizing philanthropy in support of CHEO, the CHEO Research Institute and Roger Neilson House. CHEO’s patients range from the tiniest babies to the tallest teens, meaning CHEO’s staff must have equipment available to fit the needs of every patient of all ages and sizes.
Foundation funding supports new equipment and research, improvements to facilities and ensuring patient and family support programs are available to children, youth and families that rely on CHEO.
Source: https://childrenshospitals.ca/childrens-hospitals/cheo-foundation/
It does not matter whether you are an experienced runner or have no experience at all – everyone is welcome.
Date: Friday, October 13
Time: 06:30am – 07:30am (local time/EDT)
Location: Entrance/lobby of Shaw Centre (Congress venue)
The time of the run is very early, and it might still be dark and chilly, so please prepare and dress accordingly.
There are no showers available at the end of the run at the venue and you will need to return to your accommodation before attending the morning sessions.

All entrants are encouraged to make a donation to the CHEO Foundation (10 CAD Minimum). But you can also join without donating. Just bear in mind that we might not be able to reserve a t-shirt for you in this case.
Please sign up and help the CHEO Foundation to achieve its goals.
Your registration and shirt size will then be confirmed.
Levels of donations:
- 10 CAD
- 25 CAD
- 50 CAD
- 100 CAD
You can register via the registration page when you register for SIOP Congress.